liner notes

この道の果て/On the Road



Music and Lyric : CHACHI


夕日に焦がされた どこまでも続いる道は


まじめに生きる人には 住みづらいこの街だけど



祈りは儚く 届かなくても

願いは儚く 叶わなくても

ひたむきに 歩んでゆくだけ


この道の果てに夢見る PARADISE

この道の果てに信じている PARADISE

黒雲(くも)に覆われた あの山のむこうへ

この道を 信じてゆくがいい


夕日に焦がされた どこまでも続いてゆく道は

乾いた風に吹かれて 砂ぼこりに顔を覆う




祈りは儚く 届かなくても

願いは儚く 叶わなくても

ひたむきに 君は歩んでゆくのか?


この道の果てに夢見る PARADISE

この道の果てに信じている PARADISE

黒雲(くも)に覆われた あの山の向へ

この道を 信じてゆくがいい

The road that goes on forever, scorched by the setting sun

Truth and falsehood are crisscrossed

It’s hard for serious people to live in this town

With a smile that covers all the sadness and pain


Prayers are fleeting and unreachable

Even if our wishes are fleeting and unfulfilled

I will walk on with all my heart


At the end of this road, I dream of PARADISE

PARADISE I believe in at the end of this road

To the other side of that mountain covered in black clouds

Believe in this road


The road that goes on forever, scorched by the setting sun

The dry wind blows and the dust covers my face

People go on without being able to heal their broken hearts

Carrying sorrow and pain on their backs


Prayers are fleeting and unreachable

Wishes are fleeting and unfulfilled

Will you walk on with devotion?


At the end of this road, I dream of PARADISE

PARADISE, which I believe in at the end of this road

Towards that mountain covered with black clouds

Believe in this road


LINER NOTES : この道の果て/On The Road










In every age, there are always good people who live with smile, sincerity, and humor, despite the suffering and sorrow they bear.

Infectious diseases, conflicts, wars, and climate change have struck us time and time again, but we have never found a universal and accurate answer to these problems.

Those with wealth and those without.

Both of them, I would venture to say, are ephemeral beings.

If economic activity is God to this world, where has the real God hidden?

I have no way of knowing.

“The paradise I believe in at the end of the road.”

May the smoky, dry atmosphere soothe your soul.

From a World of Darkness



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Copyright © 2018 CHACHI GONNA CHACHI (Planet Turn Recode)