liner notes

君は僕の花 / You Are My Flower

君は僕の花 You Are My Flower : Lyric

Music and lyric : CHACHI

どこまでも道は続いてる いつまでも夢は続いている

はちきれそうな気持を胸に抱いて いつか輝く星になりたい


道なき道を歩いて 見失った未来さえ

探りあって 励まし合って 歩んでゆく澄みわたる空へ


ありがとう 君がいるから 強くなれるような気がしている毎日

いつまでも君を抱くよ いつか叶えてあげたいその夢



どこまでも空は続いている あの白い雲に乗って

見たこともない不思議な世界へ 行ってみようよ


時は無常に駆けゆく どんな明日が僕らを待っているの?

少しの不安 それでも挑み続けるよ


ありがとう 君の笑顔がいつも眩いばかりに輝いている

いつまでも君を見てるよ 溢れる星の数ほど愛しい



こうしてまっすぐに向かい合っていると 君を守ってゆく それが使命だと



ありがとうを君に言いたくて 道端に咲くかわいい花を摘んで

今すぐに君のもとへと 駆け戻ってゆきたい 今すぐに


ありがとう 君がいるから 強くなれるような気がしている毎日

いつまでも君を抱くよ いつか叶えてあげたいその夢


automatic, machine translation

The road goes on forever, the dream goes on forever

I want to be a shining star someday with a feeling in my heart that’s about to burst

That’s all I want to do

Walking down the road without a path, even the future we’ve lost sight of

We search for each other, we encourage each other, we walk on toward the clear sky


Thank you, I feel like I can be strong because of you, every day

I’ll always hold you in my arms I want to make that dream come true someday

No matter what happens, you’ll always be my flower


The sky goes on forever, riding on those white clouds

Let’s go to a mysterious world I’ve never seen before

I’m sure it’ll be fun with you

Time is running out of control What kind of tomorrow awaits us?

I’m a little nervous, but I’ll keep on trying


Thank you, your smile always shines so brightly

I’ll always be looking at you, I love you as much as the overflowing stars

No matter what time of day, you are always my flower


Facing you straight on like this, I feel like it’s my mission to protect you.

I feel like it’s my mission to protect you


I wanted to say thank you, so I picked a pretty flower by the roadside

I want to run back to you right now, right now

You’re always my flower

Thank you, every day I feel like I can be strong because of you

I’ll always hold you in my arms I want to make that dream come true someday

No matter what time it is, you are my flower

LINER NOTES : 君は僕の花 / You Are My Flower










Sometimes a melody comes to mind when I am riding in a vehicle.

However, nothing comes to mind when I am riding on conventional trains, buses, cabs, or other vehicles that I use in my daily life and work.

Kimi wa Boku no Hana (You are my flower)” was composed on the Shinkansen bullet train that my wife and I were on our way to Kyoto. Another song was composed from an idea that occurred to me as the plane was taking off.

I am amazed at people who can just say, “Let’s get started” and start writing, whether it is music, painting, or writing, although I don’t paint.

Walking is also good for creative activities. I, too, find that something comes to me most when I am walking.

I remember reading in a book that Tchaikovsky, whom I adore, used to walk around the room and smash things around while composing, but I don’t remember this for sure. However, I think it is not surprising when I think of the delicate and precise composition of the piece.

At first, I wrote this song for piano-playing, but the number of words and too fast tempo made it absolutely impossible for my skills.

What is fatal is that I probably have a disability that stops me from playing the song because the lyrics jump, the next chord jumps, and my nearsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia make it impossible for me to follow the music, so this song was “put away” for playing.

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Copyright © 2015 CHACHI GONNA CHACHI (Pure K-Heart Recode)