liner notes

0:45AM (Lullaby For You)

0:45AM (lullaby For You ) : Lyric

Lullaby 都会の喧騒のなかにあって懸命に生きる人のための子守歌

♪0:45 真夜中の風に揺られて佇むスローテンポな曲

©2022 CHACHI GONNA CHACHI (Pure K-Heart Recode)

Music and Lyric :CHACHI

真夜中を過ぎて 星が笑う

風は心地よくて この肌 すりぬけてゆく

今日にケリをつけて 繰り返してゆくリズム



ずれ落ちてゆく 身体中の力

今日にケリをつけて 繰り返してゆくリズム


ほんの少しだけ 少しだけ疲れているから

風に身をゆだね うなだれている

今日にケリをつけて 繰り返してゆくリズム


失ったものや 失いつつあるもの

ちっぽけな夢や ちっぽけな努力


風に揺られて うなだれている

automatic, machine translation

After midnight, the stars are laughing

The wind is so soothing, my skin is brushing through

I’m done with today, repeating the same rhythm

I devote everything to making a living

The blurred lights of a slumbering building

The power in my body is slipping away

I’m settling for today, repeating the rhythm

Putting everything into making a living

Just a little bit, just a little bit, I’m tired

I’m nodding my head in the wind

I’m giving up on today, repeating the rhythm

Putting everything into making a living

What we have lost and what we are losing

Tiny dreams, tiny efforts

I’m just a little bit tired

Swaying and nodding in the wind



「若きヴェルテルの悩み」ゲーテ 高橋健二役編

I am well aware that we are not and cannot be equal. But I believe that those who believe they must stay away from the so-called underclass in order to receive respect are just as reprehensible as the coward who hides himself from his enemies for fear of losing.

The Sorrows of Young Werther, Goethe



生活の糧に多くの労力と神経を大量に放出する人たちへ  ”おやすみ”

I am well aware that we are not and cannot be equal. I don’t like to use the terms “winners” and “losers” to gain respect, but I dare say that I am on the losing side.

It is indeed a difficult time to live in, but that may not make much difference between the past and the present.

To those who release a lot of effort and a lot of nerves to make a living

0:45AM, Lullaby for you


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© 2017-2022 CHACHI GONNA CHACHI (Pure K-heart Recode)