天と地に Heaven and Earth :Lyric
ケルト的であり和的音階の融合 心にしみわたるどこか懐かしいメロディー
天と地に Heaven and Earth
©2022 CHACHI GONNA CHACHI (Planet Turn Recode)
Music and Lyric : CHACHI
向かい風にあがらって 君はなぜ行く
天の命ずるまま ひたむきに
月のともしびだけを 道しるべに
誰のため その命を なげだして
錆びついた 空の彼方へ 君をかりたてる
天が与えられた いばらの道
カケラのような星屑 かすかな希望
誰のために その命を 燃やすのか
Why do you go against the headwind?
To do whatever the heavens command, determined to do it.
with only the moonlight as your guide
for whom you’re losing your life
beyond the rusty sky, I’ll call you
the road that the heavens have given you
a speck of stardust a glimmer of hope
For whom you’re burning your life
LINER NOTES 天と地に Heaven and Earth
Heaven and Earth
In the Isle of Britain (United Kingdom), did it have a different cultural complexion from that of continental Europe? The Celts, in particular, had cultural features that differed from those of Western Europe. Among other things, the Celtic cultural features were different from those of Western Europe.
The Romans withdrew from their 400-year rule in Britain in 407 A.D., and the Roman invaders themselves left the island in 407 A.D. The Celts were not organised, and tended to scatter in small units, which is perhaps easier to understand if you imagine Irish/Scots protagonists in Hollywood films.
So-called continental European classical music has become sophisticated and glamorous through the fusion of cultures, but the music of island countries is somewhat stubborn and simple. Japan is also an island nation. That’s what I like about it.
Heaven and Earth
A melodic and harmonic development reminiscent of Celtic music, combined with Japanese words. It is the Anglo-Japanese alliance.