liner notes

What little boys made of ? What little girls made of ?

What little boys made of ? What little girls made of ? : Lyric

Music by CHACHI  / Lyric by Mother Goose


What little boys made of ?

What little boys made of ?

Frogs and snails

And puppy-dogs’ tails

That’s what little boys  are made of.


What little girls made of ?

What little girls made of ?

Sugar and spice

And all that’s nice

That’s what little girls are made of.

おとこのこって なんでできてる? おんなのこって なんでできてる?



おとこのこって なんでできてる?

おとこのこって なんでできてる?

かえるに かたつむりに こいぬのしっぽ

そんなもので できてるよ


おんなのこって なんでできてる?

おんなのこって なんでできてる?

おさとうと スパイスと

すてきな なにもかも

そんなもんで できてるよ

LINER NOTES : What little boys made of ? What little girls made of ?







Not all boys, but isn’t the image of boys as restless and distracted and moving around?

Many boys, even in their high school years, are cute in a childish way, playing with their friends (like puppies playing).

Not all of them, of course. I have a younger brother, and he didn’t play pranks like most boys do, but instead played house with girls most of the time.

Speaking of girls, they too are not all there, but they are nice with a touch of sugar and spice, and they can be very clever with their calculated “gestures” even at a very young age.

I have a niece whom I adore very much. I was like a puppet in most of her actions. And on a serious note, now that I have a granddaughter, I’m going to be even busier than before.

Children are cute.


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Copyright ©2017 CHACHI GONNA CHACHI (Planet Turn Recode)