liner notes

You only cross my mind in winter/冬の精霊

Lyric : 冬の精霊/You only cross my mind in winter

弦楽(STRINGS) とCHACHIのボーカルによる楽曲。雪の降る夜には暖炉と外気温の温度差が心を温める。フィンランドのナイスガイが言っていた。真冬にはサウナで体の芯から温まったら氷点下の外へ出て雪の塊にダイブするって。イケてる!

Music and Lyric ; CHACHI

粉雪が躍る 暗闇のなか

誰がうたうの? どこからか聴こえてくる声

凍りついた木々のずっと向こうの 梢

小さく あたたかなあかりが灯っている


冬になると舞い降りてくる 凍てつく夜 冬の精霊

冬にだけ舞い降りてきて 僕のこころの ドア叩く


冬生まれの子は 寂しがりやさん

一日中 あたたかなお部屋にいるから

くもるガラス窓を 手でふいてみたら

こごえるような風に 顔をあててごらん


静寂の荒野に 冬の精霊が舞い降りる

凍りついた風が 歌いはじめる


粉雪がおどる 凍りついた夜

それなのに なぜか こころは あたたかい

なんども 君の名を口にするけど

雪の静けさは 僕にはこたえない


冬になると舞い降りてくる 凍てつく夜 冬の精霊

冬にだけ舞い降りてきて 僕のこころの ドア叩く

Powder snow dances in the dark

Who is singing? A voice can be heard from somewhere

Over there in the frozen treetops

A small, warm light is shining


The spirit of winter comes down in winter, the frozen night, the spirit of winter

Only in winter it comes down and knocks at the door of my heart


Winter-born children are very lonely.

Because they stay in a warm room all day long

I wipe my hand on the glass window

Put your face to the chilly wind


In the silent wilderness, the spirit of winter descends

The frozen wind begins to sing


Powdery snow is dancing on the frozen night

And yet, somehow, my heart is warm

I call your name again and again

But the silence of the snow doesn’t answer me


The frozen night, the spirit of winter

Only in winter does it come down and knock at the door of my heart









I remember when I was a child, the sound of my childhood friend’s younger sister playing the violin she had just learned was amazing, a scraping sound like the sound of a saw being pulled out with a giggle.

This piece was written with original lyrics from fragments of a piece I had started to write for orchestra but discarded halfway through, and arranged for string quartet accompaniment.

Winter is a mysterious season, dark and silent due to the tilt of the earth’s axis. I don’t think it was my favorite season when I was a child, but now I love it.

Winter is a time of silence, as many species go into hibernation. Grass roots hibernate in the ground and tree trunks quietly wait for the next bud to sprout.

On nights when the snow falls deep in the sky, spirits gently descend and warm our hearts. But it is a spirit that comes down only in winter, and only in winter it knocks on the door of my heart.


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© 2017-2022 CHACHI GONNA CHACHI (Planet Turn Recode)