Lyric : 夕ぐれ/Dusk reminds me of you.
piano and vocal : CHACHI
♪夕ぐれ/Dusk reminds me of you.ピアノ弾き語り
©2016-2022 CHACHI GONNA CHACHI (Pure K-Heart Recode)
Music and lyric : CHACHI
夕ぐれは 雲のはたてに ものぞ思う時ぞ 悲しき
天つ空なる果てへと あの人を恋しく思うとて
美しきあの夏の あの日の波打ち際は キラキラと輝いていた
きゃしゃな橋げたの上に夢を紡いだあの日こそ キラキラと輝いていた
honey, I miss you.
薄っぺらな約束 ふれもせずに カモメがかすめる
浅はかな優しさで 君を傷つけてしまった時代は
悲しい瞳を思い出すから 青春はほろ苦くて
揺れていた あの日の水面は 紅に
今だから言えるよ honey , I miss you.
夕ぐれはひと時の輝き 誰ぞ思うこそ 儚き
天つ空なる果てへと あの人を恋しく思うとて
美しきあの日の君を思い出すから 青春は ほろ苦く
揺れていた あの日の水面は 紅に
今だから言えるよ honey, I miss you.
I’m sad when I think of him at the end of the clouds
To the ends of the sky, I miss her.
That beautiful summer day, that day when the waves lapped the shore, it was sparkling and shining.
the day when we spun our dreams on the delicate bridge girder, that was the day that sparkled and shone.
honey, I miss you.
A flimsy promise
Seagulls darted by without even touching you
The times when I hurt you with my shallow kindness
I remember your sad eyes, so my youth was bittersweet
The surface of that day was shimmering in crimson
I can say it now, honey, I miss you.
The evening glow is fleeting because I’m thinking of someone else
I miss her to the end of the sky
Because I remember the beauty of that day, my youth is bittersweet
I miss you so much because I remember that beautiful day.
I can say it now, honey, I miss you.
LINER NOTES : 夕ぐれ/Dusk reminds me of you.
夕ぐれ/Dusk reminds me of you.
夕暮は 雲のはたてに 物ぞ思ふ 天(あま)つ空なる 人を恋ふとて
(古今和歌集 十一・恋 五二二 詠み人知らず)